::[pLaYbOyeZ ]::-ALERT!!!!
-It is a new versions of playboyaz.
-Far too different than pLaYbOyAz...
-Its been create to eliminate all members of pLaYbOyAz includes its own leader.
::maybe most of u just aspect that this types of new group is another such of moron group being created to poison all members of PLU in diz wacked world and turn them into people that has no mercy and keep searching our member hood to be played by them.
so..i wanna recorrect all of ur thought and introduced all of u wif my new versions of playboy- pLaYbOyeZ.
As u can see down here is the old versions of pLaYbOyAz it has been closed due to our misconducted and misunderstanding amongs our members
How to become playboyaz??
hahaha...well..if anyone of you interested to be a playboyaz, there are sum rule to be followed..
must be gorgeous n cooL...hahaha..
(yup..this rule will always be our priority and we need our member to stay gorgeous and cool)
must be braved enough!!
(Braved??hurmm..here we not just be brave but also be strong enough to use phycologist thinking to our enemies)
must think faster to get sum xcuse!!
(Yup..thinking faster than TIME..here we need to be more intelligence and can think beyond others. Always prepare for backup reasons)
dun get trap!!must be inteligent enough!!!
(we like to be trap!!haha..coz its make us more powerfull than others..u got i mean??)
if "kantoi", dun get panic. Relax n try to lie a bit..to avoid this from happend, 1st of all, you must tell them you are playboyaz before you can start ur mission..hahaha..then hunt n kill without mercy..that's all..
(no..no..no..we dun like these kind of persons..here in our group will never lie.Honest is our visions)
sumtimes people will try to trap you soon after ur mission done..they will sms or call you so many times..so..dun reply..just let it be..hahaha..
(nope..we will win all our beloved frens and scandals)
diz is important..dun eva be so soft..especially ur heart...coz people will most likely attack at that spot!!
(huhu..hurm..in this case..well..we need to soft a bit but dun get trap..)
sumtimes there is so many request from ur victim n they try to get you no matter wut(they try to trap you wif luv)..so..tell them at 1st place.."YOU ARE PLAYBOYAZ"..playboyaz dun hav luv..
(aha..nop..we ar not playboyaz but we ar playboyez..we have our beloved person to be cared and we enjoy to LOVE)
So..that's all about playboyaz..hahaha..well..think trice before you join k..chOwss!!
::NEw RULeS::
psst: to be our members, just messaging me in my own page-www.myspace.com/edned. Then i will explain to u more about our grou later..huhu
if u interested, just write ur name in ur page wif name-pLaYbOyeZ beside ur current name.